What is The Breakthrough Weekend

When you were young did you envisage that you would be where you are now? Did you think you would have the relationships, money, circumstances, opportunities and life that you have created for yourself?

When you think about it, everyone's has something. Something more they want to do, somewhere amazing they haven't been yet, something special they have still to achieve. So now is the time to get that something...

The BreakThrough Weekend has helped hundreds of people achieve their dreams by showing them how to take control, believe in their own ability and take their attitude and focus to the next level. What could you do with your life if you knew how to? What are you capable of that you haven't done yet.

About the Breakthrough Weekend

BreakThrough Weekend is a life changing 2-days. It is the beginning of many special things and you can be part of it. You will leave this course and enter a new life, a life where you are in control.

Your BreakThrough will be happening very soon, click the link on the right to find out exact when it is. Remember, we want you to be there and that's why you'll find that we have made it insanely easy for you to book on the course that will mark the first steps on the journey to the life you have always wanted.

Watch our video

All that is needed just now is a small £30 deposit and you will be there.

You are the most important thing in your life. You owe it to yourself to put everything you can into having the life you want.

PS cos a lot of people ask, there is no need to speak out or share anything you would rather not. The only person that needs to know why you are there is you :)

Course Content

The Breakthrough Weekend is a powerful combination of NLP, Coaching techniques, exercises, inspiring teaching and guidance.

The 2 days are a perfect blend planned to give you, your very own BreakThrough!

Day 1 - Awakening

Many people are not aware of the incredible abilities their mind has. After your first day on BreakThrough Weekend you will be in no doubt of just what you are capable of doing.

  • Breakthrough Weekend


  • Harness Your Mind
  • Develop Confidence
  • Power & Focus

You will experience just how much strength, calm and focus you can have when you use simple techniques to harness the power of your mind, switch off that inner self talk and bring on immensley powerful, positive states of mind and body that you can use, feel and display every single day.

From the Brave New You technique which will smash old ways of thinking to the closing exercise where you release the demons of your past, you will remember just what it feels like to be hopeful, positive and energised about your life.

"If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing" Gail Sheehy

Day 2 - BreakThrough

Now the stage is set for you to BreakThrough your mental, emotional and physical blockages and stand tall as you declare "This is who I am".

You will learn and experience a variety of simple but powerful exercises specifically designed to release you from your self imposed masks and shackles and generate massive choice and freedom in every area of your life.

Once you have mastered your mind and emotions you will then have the opportunity to prove it in 2 experiences which pack incredible power and close the weekend leaving you in touching distance of your dreams and in control of your own future.

Not everyone is ready for the power of BreakThrough, but you are.

"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else" Judy Garland

Booking Information

My mission with HeadStrong is to make the best and most powerful personal improvement training available to the maximum number of people I can.

I belive the best way to do that be keeping the investment for this course at a level most people can easily afford.

Remember, because of their reputation and the low cost, BreakThrough Weekends always fill up really quickly. That's why, to guarantee your place, We recommend you secure your place now, you can either leave a simple £30 deposit (balance due on day of course) or you can pay in full right now by clicking on this 'Book Now' link.

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